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Lab 5 Bloom's digital taxonomy

Preparing activities as examples of digital taxonomy levels in higher education

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We are revising the Digital Taxonomy adapted from the original one, from Benjamin Bloom. 

Download and scan the information contained in the document "Bloom's digital taxonomy" Here, save it, and then do the following: 

1. Find the map - and the levels of the Digital Taxonomy, and using the same topic "Digital Taxonomy for learning" prepare one technology integrated activity for each.

Be sure to include the following titles in each activity (better if you use a table) then also include the sources to your activities resources, for example: addresses to sites for editing, tools, tutorials, examples, videos, etc. 

a. Topic - Title - time - periods - area - Taxonomy level - LOTS and HOTS (which thinking skills are applied?) 

b. Comptetencies - in the 3 areas: cognitive, procedural, and attitudinal (related to the level and specifically practicing the skills) 

c. Description of the activity. Methodology 

d. Activities (you may divide them into moments or levels)

e. Resources (they have to be electronic or digital)

f. Evaluation (which doesn't have to be traditional since digital media are being used) 

2. Create one example of the activities, that is, a real scenario and the activity, by preparing what it requires, for example,  a mind map, a cartoon, a video presentation, a voki, etc., and then insert the links on your document. 

3. Add all elements: front page, introduction, objectives, conclusions and sources (APA automatic) 

Upload your work on the link provided at Umg Platform. 

© by Silvia Sowa

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